Open Evening, October 2019
Address to visitors to the Open Evening held 23rd October 2019
"Welcome, whether you're a regular hirer, an occasional visitor to Priory Hall, or a supporter.
We, the Management Committee, felt it was about time to shout a little about the attractions of Priory Hall. It’s well-used for regular events - be they meetings or classes.
Some splendid parties, including really wonderful wedding receptions, have been held here.
And we hope to host many more.
We now have very good facilities - we have comfy chairs, and new tables on the way. We have a sound system and we have wi-fi, so we can accommodate all kinds of events. We now have a new all-purpose catering kitchen, which we’d encourage you to inspect. And we’ve also converted the store room into a utility kitchen/prep kitchen.
Clearly we make a charge for all users, but none of what you see this evening would be possible without the sterling work of the Management Committee who work tirelessly to maintain the hall, and raise money through events during the course of the year. I encourage you to come along to the Christmas Craft Fair on Saturday 23rd November.
But none of this would be possible if it hadn’t been for the generosity of Wenlock Estates, and for the foresight and energy of our founders in 1981 and their successors, some of whom have attended this evening. Those successors on the Management Committee have invested much of their time and talent in making Priory Hall an enormous success - and a focal point of Much Wenlock life. Finally - the current Committee is looking for keen volunteers to join them, so if you’d be interested, or would like to know more, please talk to us.
Thank you very much for coming along this evening"
“-”Photographs courtesy of David Stenton, Anne Gribbin & David Turner